Helen Liu
H e l e n L i u

Helen Liu was born in Taiwan and raised on a chicken farm in the southern part of the island. Since leaving the country in 1972 with her parents, she lived in Jakarta and Bangkok and eventually came to study at the University of Oregon in 1977. After graduating from the Pacific Northwest College of Art, Helen worked in advertising and design firms in Portland and Eugene. When her daughter was born in 1994, Helen began working
from home and working on her own art.
In 2013, Helen began using waste plastic bags generated from her own household as well as bags from local coffee shops. friends and neighbors. American Luminosity in 2014 was the first of these projects. Since then, Helen’s art has focused on using these non-recyclable plastic waste. The largest one of the works, so far, was Plastic Waste to Art Quilt, 40ft x 12ft, funded in part by the Springfield Arts Commission and displayed at the Academy of Arts and Academics in downtown Springfield during Earth Day week in 2021.
Helen is collaborating in a Plastic to Fuel project with Prof. Skip Rochefort at Oregon State University working toward creating a small-scale, neighborhood-size plastic recycling machine that will turn #2, 4, and 5 plastics into farm-grade diesel.
In 2021, Helen began growing her own indigo plants (Persicaria tinctoria) and harvesting and using the dye. Today, among other artistic media, Helen continues the use of the beautiful blue dye that she makes from her own homegrown indigo.

With Prof. Ellen Johnston Laing, Helen co-authored Up in Flames: the Ephemeral Art of Pasted-Paper Sculpture in Taiwan, which was based on Helen’s MA thesis and published by Stanford University Press in 2004. Available on Amazon.com